Find Out How I can Best Support You

Every woman is different. You are unique, and your needs are unique.

Find out the resources and support systems I have available for you that speak to the step of the journey you are in.

If you are unsure of the best type of support you need, please reach out! I offer a free 30-minute consultation to all new clients to see if we are a good fit and to guide you towards my best resources.


Private Coaching

The highest level of support you can get, with tailored sessions and strategies to get you to YOUR goals. With this, you get access to me on live zooms and through a private chat for your questions between sessions. I hold you by the hand throughout the process and match your speed of growth and progress. The minimum time together is 3 months.
If you’re curious to see if this is a good fit for you, then schedule a free 30-minute call to go over your needs and see if we’re a 1on1 match. If not, I’ll guide you towards more appropriate resources for you.



This brand new group program is for the woman who is ready to take active steps towards reconnecting with her body with the support of the sisterhood. This is the place where you will learn how your hormonal system works, how you can rebalance it naturally, and how you can start to speak its language on a regular basis. No more guessing what is wrong with you or why your hormones are causing such havoc.

One Time Sessions

The one-time sessions are for the woman who has a specific question and need. This allows us to go straight to the point of the call and make sure we are taking advantage of every minute.

If you are a recurring client, reach out to me as you get a discount on all sessions available.


Cycle Blueprint Intensive

This 90-minute call is an intensive personal workshop in which we dive deeper into what YOUR symptoms might mean about your imbalances. Rather than giving you an overall idea of how hormones work, I look closely at your unique imbalances and give you a plan of action tailored to your specific needs of the moment. In this intensive, I will be asking a lot of questions and giving you practices that will speak directly to your situation. We will cover both the physical and somatic aspects of your health.


EFT Session

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a somatic-based approach to healing and restoration. In this 30-minute, we’ll tap on the issue you’re bringing and resolve the tensions around it. Click on the button to learn more about EFT and/or to book your session with me.

Self-Paced Resources

Perhaps you are like me, a student of life, always learning, always growing. And you have discovered that on some topics, you prefer to go at your own pace, in the privacy of your time management. If that is you, I have some courses and resources just for that. Whether you want lifetime access or monthly access, find out what suits best here. And remember, if you are unsure of the resources that are appropriate for you - book your free 30-minute consultation with me to ask your questions.


The Monthly Membership

This is where you access my library of resources. Where you find tools and exercises and modules on the different pillars of hormonal health. I keep on adding to this membership and there is always something new to learn in it. I sometimes bring in special guests to speak to specific aspects of health so that you are fully supported in this journey.


Nurturing Life’s Rhythms: Hormonal Balance and Fertility

In Collaboration with Pelvic and Yoga Coach Suriya Nitschke, we created this self-study course for the woman who is looking to enhance her fertility and understand how her hormonal health is the building block of her life-creating innate abilities. We cover important topics from nutrition to cycle tracking and offer an array of exercises to boost your overall fertility.


Herbal Consultation

If you are interested in knowing what specific medicinal plant or plant-mix to take that is appropriate to your situation, then this is for you. As you know, not all herbs work for everyone and everything. This session allows me to really explore your constitution and know what herbs to recommend for your needs. Find out how you can apply for one by clicking on the button below.


Not sure which resources are best for you?

Book a free 30-minute consultation with me. In this session, I’ll ask you questions and get clarity on your needs and guide you to the most appropriate support for you.
And if we’re not a fit, or you change your mind? Not a problem. This is not a sales call. It’s a clarity call. You are under NO obligation to buy anything from me at any point. You are the master of your own body and life, and I work with empowered women - ones who make the decisions (whether they say yes or no to working with me) in full freedom.